Our Technologies of Learning

How Our Technologies of
Accelerated Learning
Can Help You
and Your Organization

When change is really needed, how can it actually happen?

During the last 28 years, Kelly Gerling and his colleagues have developed the specific learning methods used in Values-Based Leadership®. To find out more about these technologies of accelerated learning, get the Nightingale-Conant tape series and book, NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, co-authored by Kelly Gerling, Ph.D. VBL uses neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and other technologies of accelerated learning to assist you in activating and developing your leadership capabilities. Below are some of the specific methods that we use in Values-Based Leadership:

- The Learning Community - We'll become a learning community . . . a kind of village for enhancing leadership in an enjoyable way. As the community spirit develops, your learning accelerates.

- Group Conversations - Participants engage in open and honest group conversations. During this process, participants contribute insights for applying what they are learning. Subjects include how to improve products, services, corporate culture, and market share.

- Live Skill Demonstrations - Program leaders will demonstrate, on the spot, powerful leadership capabilities, and how to use them in everyday situations.

- Structured Mental Exercises - Through structured mental exercises you'll expand your thinking and develop the demonstrated leadership capabilities and transfer them into your day-to-day work situations.

- Structured Story-telling - Participants tell stories about what they value and do not value. Through this process, participants learn what they value and do not value in common; what they find to be healthy and unhealthy, and what kind of future they do not want and what kind they do want.

- Inner Journeys - Much like a daydream with a purpose, in these exercises you explore your own inner world and pinpoint opportunities to activate and develop your own leadership capabilities.

- Interactional Simulations - To prepare for actual leadership situations that you'll encounter, you will engage in realistic simulations so you can rehearse your inner and outer leadership skills. That way, in the real world, your new skills can emerge naturally and appropriately.

- Graphical Facilitation - Consultants with The Leadership Project use graphical facilitation to create images of the ideas and ideals of organizations so they can chart paths to bring about new futures for themselves.

- VBL Consulting - Once members of your organization have reached a level of VBL skills through training events, VBL Consulting can deepen and broaden VBL skills throughout your organization. Kelly or other senior consultants from The Leadership Project go into your various teams and use their well-developed skills to exemplify VBL skills and coach people in their use. The result is that implementing restructurings, achieving strategic plans, cooperation within and between groups, innovation, enthusiasm and more can all be brought about more easily. That's because VBL Consulting brings VBL skills to workplace situations, right where they are needed.
