Traditional Versus Values-Based Organizations
Traditional 20th-Century Organization: A Machine-Like Entity |
The Values-Based Organization: A Living, Breathing Community |
Financial performance treated as an end in itself, and authoritarian power relationships, lead to the following unhealthy, unproductive patterns: | Don't just preach values - actually fulfill them! When you do, enthusiasm and productivity soar. The following patterns help fulfill healthy values: |
Lack of Community Spirit - This is characterized by distrust, apathy, lack of hope and respect, and a feeling of not belonging. | Community Spirit - This quality is characterized by deep trust, active participation, mutual respect, and a feeling of belonging. |
Closed Communication - This is where a chain-of-command method of communication predominates. | Open and Honest Communication - This creates an open dialogue and a flow of vital feedback to decision makers. |
Values Conflict - Values are preached but are rarely practiced consistently. | Values Agreement - Stated values are healthy and are consistently practiced. |
Rigid Organizational Structure -This results in lots of layers, followers everywhere, low productivity, and impersonal relationships between the layers. | Self-Organization - This is characterized by leaders emerging everywhere, great productivity, and effective working relationships within and between groups. |
What is the cumulative result? These four patterns combine to give traditional organizations a low "group intelligence" which makes them rigid, unresponsive and slow to change. This will not work in the next century. | What is the cumulative result? These four patterns give values-based organizations a high "group intelligence" which makes them flexible, responsive, and able to react to change quickly. |